Support The Woodlands

The Woodlands Magazine wouldn’t be what it is today without support from generous readers like you. We aim to pay all of our contributors for their work, which involves reporting, writing, researching, lots of creative energy, and pouring their hearts onto the page. Your contributions will directly go back to our writers and artists, and the more money we raise, the more we can afford to pay them! Please consider donating via Venmo (@woodlandsmag). A special thanks goes out to the Kelly Writers House, the Sachs Program for Arts Innovation, and Urban Outfitters.

$5 | Gravedigger — We’ll give you a hug next time we see you!

$10 | Sapling — You funded the inclusion of one poetry insert! We’ll send you a personalized poem recommendation and also give you a hug!

$25 | Branch — The editorial team will write you an original, personalized poem and give you so many hugs.

$50 | Friend of The Woodlands Magazine — This is about half of the minimum we pay writers—you’re funding half of a piece! We’ll feature your name on our website in recognition of your contribution and send you a poem and probably hug you too.

$100+ | Super Friend of The Woodlands Magazine — This is the minimum amount we would pay a writer for a reported piece, so you’re funding a whole person, a whole story! We’ll print your name in our magazine, feature you on our website, and also write you a little poem (and hug you, of course).

Dustin Brown
Grayson Catlett
Patricia and Suresh Enjeti
Barbara and Max Gladieux
Trish Jones
Evie Klein
Trevor Kliem
Susan Otto
Steve Shanks
Robyn Slen
Nadia Sopher
Roger Strand

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